
NiP Tit-Tees

We are proud to be supported by the team at Wholesale Body Jewellery who are kindly stocking and distributing our NiP Tit-Tees!

Please visit their website to purchase your very own Tit-Tee. All proceeds go to The Nipple Innovation Project and help fund our nipple tattoo treatment service.

NiP Support Shop

Ready to shop for good and empower survivors? Buckle up! Our Support Shop is your one-stop place for feel-good finds and making a real difference to NiP.

We've partnered with incredible brands – from beloved UK and international names to inspiring local businesses – who share our mission of supporting breast cancer survivors.

Here's the deal: When you shop this carefully curated collection, a portion of the proceeds goes directly towards funding our free areola tattoo services. So, browse unique gifts – all while knowing you're contributing to a cause close to so many.

Shop with a conscience, treat yourself (or someone special!), and support a small charity. It's a win-win for everyone!

Lumi Therapy

Take part in Lumi’s Free-ze The NiP Challenge by purchasing your own tee.

Looking for a tub? 15% OFF using NIPCHARITY on orders over £100

Craftiosity Craft Kits

A dose of relaxation and crafting delivered to their door.
Available as a subscription or gift.

Use code NIPCHARITY for 10% off


Breaking down unnecessary stigmas around loving yourself first, Biird offer a present you can enjoy yourself.

NiP Is Proudly Supported By